Connecting women’s organisations

RUWON Nepal is working to develop a nationwide network of women’s organisations, and have already established a positive rapport with 59 of these. We plan to organise a rural women’s conference at a national level to explore contributory factors of discrimination and marginalisation against women and girls in Nepal and discuss how to improve their opportunities, education and contribution to society.

RUWON Nepal participates and celebrates the following Days:

  1. National and International Women’s Day
  2. International Rural Women’s Day
  3. One Billion Raising Campaign
  4. 19 days Campaign
  5. White Ribbon Campaign
  6. International Day of Girls
  7. International Peace Day
  8. National and International Children’s Day
  9. National and International Youth Day
  10. Human Rights Day

We organise various rallies and awareness programs on the above days with the sup-port of partner organizations.