Transforming The Lives Of Disadvantaged Communities

RUWON Nepal in partnership with Tech-Outreach, has developed the micro-finance program through interest free loans for women from a variety of communities of the rural district of Sindhuli. The interest free loans are being provided to the neediest single (divorced, war widows, separated) women so that they can start their own businesses and become self-reliant. This program has helped women to become more independent, as well as gaining their own identity and self-esteem in society. We have so far provided this loan to 123 women. The project has delivered very positive outcomes as when the loans are paid back more women are recruited.

Program Activities

We Interview women, have house visits, finalisation process to select women for the loan.

The loan is given according to their deep passion and skill set. It is used to buy materials or an animal for setting up a business e.g. a sewing machine, a portable cart for selling food and beverage items, or a couple of goats or a pig.

The women are trained, how to set up a business, marketing, customer service and managing their money

Once they start their business operation, a small monthly amount is collected from them. The collected amount is put in a revolving fund account to help other women.

The Impact

27 women have recently received loans in Sindhuli.