Sponsor a child

Help transform the life of one of our children in Nepal by funding his education. Education is vital and enables children to have a solid foundation to choose their path in life and make their dreams come true.

Ruwon Nepal is committed to providing basic human rights like food, water and education. This is the driving force behind our child sponsorship scheme. Issues like these can only be solved through long term involvement – which is why the consistent support you provide through Child Sponsorship is so important. Sponsorship of $30 per month will provide the children with the basic resources to attend a local government school which include: school fees, uniform, stationary, textbooks, lunchtime snack giving them the priceless opportunity to enter or remain in school and realise their true potential.

Ruwon Nepal child sponsorship is the start of an incredible one-to-one relationship between you and child.

As a sponsor:

  1. You will receive an update on your sponsored child twice a year.
  2. You will receive photos, letters and/or art work from your sponsored child.
  3. If you would like to know any additional information about your individual child, Ruwon Nepal will endeavour to answer any questions. Ruwon Nepal can also let you know what your child needs if you would like to send a birthday or Christmas gift by post.

The children below are all looking for sponsorship. Please have a look at their profiles below. We support a children’s home in Kathmandu as well as supporting children from single mother and impoverished families.

Sponsoring a child

The cost for sponsoring a child’s education is $30 a month /£23 a month, $360/£276 a year. The cost for sponsoring a student through college is $35 a month.

For more information about a child please email Goma on goma@ruwonnepal.org.np

or use different way to donate. Please click the donate now button to pay via PAYPAL. Goto Donate now button


Frequently asked questions

  • Does my money go directly to the Family/child?

    Your monthly donation is pooled for maximum effect and sent to the school to pay for the education. It does not go directly to the family/child.

  • How long is my sponsorship commitment?

    Your sponsorship is an ongoing commitment that helps your child overcome poverty. You can watch your child grow until they become independent. Sponsoring a child is like inviting another person into your family.

    There is only one sponsor per child, and it is hoped you can fund them as long as you can through their education. If your financial circumstances change just let us know and we will look for another sponsor and initially keep your child’s funding going from a central pool.

  • Is the child real?

    Yes, these are real children with real stories and real hearts. Get to know your child through emails letters cards photos updates and more. You can even visit your child and see at first-hand how your donation is helping them.

    We would welcome your visit to our lovely country