Nepalese women’s stories : Nabeena

In July 2019, RUWON started its second term IT training program in partnership with French W4 association, dedicated to women from marginalised areas around Kathmandu. You will find more information on our dedicated page here.

In order to highlight the impact of this program, we have chosen to interview some of our student girls and listen to what they have to say. Get the girls’ thoughts help us improve our programming and be certain that the IT training meets the girls’ real needs.

We also think that our student girls all have very positive and inspiring outlooks on their future, unafraid to dream big and tackle challenges. We are proud to share their stories with you.

Let’s turn up the volume of Nepalese women’s voices!

This week, we hear from 19-year-old Nabeena Nepal.

Namaste Nabeena, can you introduce yourself to everyone?

My name is Nabeena Nepal, I am nineteen and I live in Kopan Shiva Mandir in Kathmandu. I am currently in my last year of Bachelor in Business studies at the GP Koirala Memorial College, which is the 4th year, and I will be graduated soon. After that I will do a Masters degree.

Why did you chose to attend the IT training program and what did you expect?

I chose to attend this program because I didnt have much knowledge about computer and I thought it could help me get a job. In this modern world we have to adapt and deal with advanced technologies, which include computer skills. I also found that whenever there is a vacancy at the bank or at any organisation, whatever my qualifications, I am often unable to apply for the job because my skills do not match the job specifications. In addition, even if I dont get the job, I want to start my own business and this also requires computer knowledge. Thats the thing. Today everything is done using computers : with just a click you can do business transactions, you can chat with friends and this technology makes things faster. That is the reason why I joined this program, I knew how to send emails but not how to use other programs.

What do you think of the training so far? Is there a specific program/app/soft skill you want to learn more about?

I think this program has been effective for me. It has strengthened my confidence and now I can use a computer even with peers, without feeling shy. I used to be very shy when I had to deal with computers and I was afraid of what other people might think. And that is also a reason why I wanted to join this program. It really affected me. 

I heard about Javascript and LinkedIn and that it can help doing business but I dont know how it works.

Do you use social media?

I am on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well. I love writing especially because I cant socialise much. But even if I am shy, I am trying my best to open myself up. I really want to interact with people.

What do you want to do later? What is your dream project?

First, I want to be an author because I want to inspire this generation and the coming one. There are many things that I keep inside my mind and my heart, unspoken words that I want to put in a book because I believe unspoken words are the best weapons.

Secondly, I want to open a library. Not just an ordinary library, not just a place where you only get to read books but somewhere you can learn how to play guitar, where you can sing or speak your mind freely. I would also provide computer training programs.

I especially want to focus on people with anxiety and depression disorders. I found a study saying that every year one million people die by suicide and the main reason behind that is depression. So I think I can help those people and maybe prevent suicide. Depression happens because of family or society issues like rapes, gender inequality, sexual orientation and preference (LGBT community), school bullying, exam pressure and so on. This might be the reason why people are getting depressed and younger generation really face that kind of situation. Also anxiety and depression are really two different things, even if anxiety can lead to depression.

Depressed persons always need somebody to confide what they are feeling inside and I think they prefer talking to strangers rather than to their beloved ones. Thats why I want to be « the stranger » and help them open their heart, without any cure, without worrying about what others might feel. And whenever they will confide in me, I will distract them, I will involve them in reading or playing guitar. It is also important that their families understand and support them. I want to make them realise that life is beautiful, that they are worth living and that they should not waste their time doing things that dont really matter to them. This specific issue of anxiety and depression really affects me because I dont want to lose the people that I love and I dont want them to experience such a difficult situation.

Now I want to explore everywhere in order to implement my dream project and find out those who are in need. To do anything new, you should know what is going on outside. I always end sitting at home but as it is said « you should be outside the box » and thats what I need. I dont want to stay inside because it is not going to help me catch my dream. And I want to dream big because we are always allowed to dream big, whether the dream may be fulfilled or not. We should never stop dreaming because we never know what can happen in the future. And since we are living in the present moment, we should enjoy dreaming right now, in the moment.

What is it like to be a young woman in Nepal today? How do you feel?

I feel really good but there are many challenges to tackle. Whenever women want to initiate their own business, they have to face many criticisms and people saying that they are not physically strong, that they will not succeed or that they should rather take care of babies or work in the kitchen. It raises a lot of questions. You know there is a lack of support from the family and from the society. So yes, I feel good but at the same time there are many challenges that will discourage women and young women like us. Our society doesnt protect us and we lack of safety but we need to be strong and we should not care about what the society thinks of us. We have to prove people what we are capable of.


Fanny Airale, Goma Devi Bastola, Nabeena Nepal.